
To Brexit Or Not To Brexit?

Brexit or Britain Exit is a term that refers to an polling that will be held to determine whether the UK will exit the EU in order to save themselves or, in the words of Prime Minister David Cameron, chose to be patriotic and still fighting alongside other European countries.

Many economists argue that the UK getting out will only be as “escaping from the mouth of the lion and into the crocodile’s mouth”. UK is out to avoid the volatility in the EU because of the financial indiscipline, but face the risk of recession alone.

The exit of Britain from the European Union has been feared by many banks that have big business in Europe but has office in the United Kingdom. This decision will make all banks has to open a new branch to serve Europe which are now independent, and consequently, investments and adjustments to different standards and laws. The result is an utter chaos in the European financial sector and the loss of the UK’s reputation as a global financial center.

If not enough to frighten the people of Britain, David Cameron also “threatened” that the cost of the holiday will Heigh that the UK out of the EU. Let us join the wait.

About the author

Rowena Suryobroto

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